Best Child NGO in India | Save the Girl in India -


Our objective, paying little mind to the figures is to ensure the daughters are cautioned, taught, searching for different freedoms, and not consider themselves to be "Any burdens" on their families.

There are so many groups that are make every effort to do something for the daughters who are already trafficked. And we see value in every effort to help abused women. But our goal is to raise the acknowledgement to such a level that no daughters will be tricked into a life of pain and anguish. We also take the time to encourage these girls and teach them that they have as important a place in the social structure as any boy.  We tell them that they are the real strong ones.

How can we save daughters in India?

People need to open their eyes and have to take some tasks in their own hands so that the life of daughters could be saved.

Girls are the most major part of a family as without them it is impossible to imagine the existing of life on the earth.

According to a 2016 report, a girl child under the age of 15th is married off in India every 7th seconds so we should take care of this thing. There is clear negative impact such girls child marriages have on education, health and child safety. It is but one of the many social immorality that prevent a girl child from living, learning and earning for herself freely in our society. Daughters are less likely to complete their education, and have half the probability of getting enrolled in schools compared to boys. Save the daughters NGO works for the benefit of girls by working to end the practice of child marriage, improving access to education and healthcare for all girls and also pushing for better legislation that will improve the quality of life for all girls child. The projects, which started in communities, is goes up to national and international levels. Support Save the daughters and donate to NGO fundraising to ensure a better future for every girl child in India.


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