Marie Tharp death, biography of a famous American geologist and oceanographic cartographer 

 Marie Tharp-a famous American geologist and oceanographic cartographer full name Marie Tharp husband.  she was the first woman to work at the Lamont Geological Observatory. During her work period, the Library of Congress declared her one of the greatest cartographers of the 20th century.

Google changed the doodle for one day on 21st November in honor of Marie Tharp, as She co-published the first world map of ocean floors on the 21st of November of 1957. She was a famous American geologist and oceanographic cartographer.

A cartographer is a person who draws or produces maps and Tharp is used to create maps of the mysterious ocean floor. With the help of his partner Bruce Heezen she created the first scientific map of the Atlantic Ocean floor.

Marie Tharp death reason was her cancer and she said goodbye to the world in Nyack, New York, on August 23, 2006, at the age of 86

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